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بررسی تطبیقی شرایط و آثار قرارداد دلالی با تاکید بر تحولات لایحه تجارت ایران- قسمت ۱۰۷

تاریخ: 22-12-99
نویسنده: نجفی زهرا

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From the beginning of human societies to the emergence and development of cities of Athens and the government – the issue of public participation in the affairs of government and statecraft today The way and how this participation has been considered by political scientists.
This study aimed to assess the political participation among students Isfahan and Najaf Abad Azad University, and to examine the relationship between social variables such as age, gender, discipline, academic level, Economic base – social, level of religiosity and the use of mass media, a sense of political efficacy, non sense of political power, and the din of political attitudes and political participation is the extent of institutional trust. This type of survey in which 755 students were studied using a suit class were selected and questionnaires were distributed among them Given the variable distribution of the pretest was conducted among students at two universities and 95 percent confidence level, sample size formula Kukran University students were 375 and 380 were students at the University of Najaf Abad.
Validity of the questionnaire has content validity. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was calculated for independent variables (religiosity, political participation) and research dependent variables (political attitude) showed high correlations were: item internal consistency and reliability of utility in other words. Data collected using the software spss collected and were analyzed with software Lyzrl. Findings – The study shows that the average level of political participation among students of Isfahan University of Najaf Abad. The level
عکس مرتبط با اقتصاد
of political participation among student
s in terms of gender, discipli

برای دانلود متن کامل پایان نامه به سایت tinoz.ir مراجعه کنید.

ne and on the one hand and between variables of religion, economic status – social, mass media usage, level of institutional trust, a sense of political efficacy, strength of feeling Parents of political participation and political attitudes of the relationship means there between. While the single and married individuals, educational level and employment status of this opinion, there is no difference.
Keywords: political participation, economic status – social, religion, media, institutional trust, non sense of political power, a sense of efficacy, attitudes of parents and students.

University of Isfahan
Faculty of Literature and Humanities
Department of Social Sciences
M.A. Thesis
The Comparative Study of political participation between Students Isfahan University and najafabad Islamic azad University.
Dr. Mehdi Adibi sedeh
Dr. Hossein Masodnia
Ali Mohamadikia
May 2011

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